The FZI Research Center for Information Technology is a foundation under civil law with over 200 employees for applied research and technology transfer. As an independent research institution with close ties to industry, the FZI acts as an interface between university research and practical application. It is therefore an innovation hub in Baden-Wuerttemberg in the field of information technology. Led by professors from various faculties, the interdisciplinary research groups at the FZI develop concepts as well as software, hardware and system solutions which are then turned into prototypes.
The FZI makes central contributions to flexQgrid by adapting a building energy management system (BEMS) to make the flexibility of prosumers available to the market and the grid operator in an efficient manner. For this purpose, it can build upon the results of the preceding project grid-control. One of the major goals in this project is the further development of processes and algorithms for the integration of the quota model and trading process into the BEMS. Besides this, the FZI aims at improving the forecasting methods and optimization models in order to offer and provide flexibility as reliably as possible. The systems developed in this project will be closely integrated with the smart meter infrastructure in order to have a high degree of transferability to a future, real-life application.