On February 28, 2020, we celebrated the launch of the flexQgrid project and the handover of the notice of funding from the BMWi. In addition to the project team, we were also able to welcome representatives of the project management Jülich, local politics, the press and federations to EnBW City in Stuttgart.
We are pleased to have committed energy revolution pioneers from Freiamt on board for our field test. In her speech, Mayor Mrs Reinbold-Mench took us on a journey through the history of the energy transition in Freiamt in southern German region Baden. After a presentation of the project contents by the project team - from the objectives to the implementation in the field test - we were able to demonstrate the grid traffic light on our new 3D model and discuss the project together. Now we are looking forward to jointly designing our solutions for the next three years!
You can find the official press release in German language here https://www.netze-bw.de/News/netze-bw-projekt-flexqgrid