How do we manage flexibilities in flexQgrid? And is our secondary trading a flexibility market? We provide answers to the most frequently asked questions.
What is the purpose of the project?
We strive for the fast and secure integration of renewable energies, battery storage, heat pumps and new consumers, such as e-mobility, into the distribution grid. Our goal is to make the energy transition possible by maximising the integration of renewable energies into the system. In our field test, we test our solutions under real conditions.
The overriding premise here is: Avoid grid congestions in the power grid before they occur.
How are the flexibilities in the distribution grid controlled?
The grid traffic light is used as a control instrument for the targeted use of flexibilities. The grid traffic light makes the grid status transparent for grid operators, market participants and customers. In concrete terms, this means that units are intelligently coordinated and, in times of congestion, controlled in a demand-oriented and automated manner in order to guarantee grid security - and thus also security of supply. In developing our solutions, we also rely on the exchange with our colleagues from grid operationto support them in their increasingly complex tasks.
How do the traffic light phases differ?
In our grid traffic light system, we distinguish between three phases that act in different time horizons.
The green and yellow traffic light phases are based on forecast data and are predictive for the near future, whereas the red phase reacts automatically and in near real time to real measured values.
The green phase signals that no congestions are expected based on the forecast values - there are no restrictive measures and the units can operate without any problems.
If the yellow phase occurs, the forecast indicates an impending congestions if no preventive measures are taken.
In the red phase, the system reacts automatically to control equipment and quickly and safely solve a congestion that has occurred. This reaction is based on real measured values in real time.
You can find more information about our grid traffic light here: ( Project content - flexQgrid )
What happens if I absolutely have to charge my electric car despite a predicted congestion?
For this scenario, we have created the possibility to trade free grid capacities on the secondary market. Simplified, this means that all participants in the project can trade grid capacities among themselves. This trading is fully automatic and is made possible by the building energy management system.
For more information on this secondary trading and the secondary market, click here:
Trade free grid capacity with neighbours - flexQgrid
Is this secondary market a flexibility market in which Netze BW trades in flexibilities?
No, Netze BW does not participate in the trading of flexibilities, neither in buying nor in selling. Downstream secondary trading does not represent a classic flexibility market, the congestion is avoided even without this trade. In order to optimise the participating units and households in the best possible way and to integrate their preferences, they can trade hier aber downstream – within the general conditions of the quota in the yellow traffic light phase – . The gridoperator does not interfere with trade.
How is the marketplace organised?
In flexQgrid, a local market concept is being developed for the optimal utilisation of local flexibility between households and small industrial units. The secondary market is implemented via a decentralised, self-developed blockchain-based protocol to ensure that all bids arrive securely and unchanged in the market and that the market is "fairly matched".
Details on the technology and the functioning of the secondary market can be found here:
How flexQgrid uses the blockchain for the secondary market - flexQgrid